Christchurch Riverside Market

Passive Fire Protection

Christchurch was well overdue for a hub in the central city that would bring people back into the city. Riverside Market opened in 2019 and we provided Passive Fire Protection solutions to the project.

Christchurch was well overdue for a hub in the central city that would bring people back into the city. Riverside Market opened in 2019 and we provided Passive Fire Protection solutions to the project.


Riverside Market was a long journey in the making, and its success in bringing thousands of people into the central city speaks volumes. We were tasked with protecting this asset by providing extensive passive fire protection solutions to the project. We worked closely with Consortium to ensure that the building and the cells within are safe from any potential fire and fire hazards. Passive Fire Protection is crucial to keeping the building and, more importantly, its occupants safe.

The Challenge

Riverside Market brought its own challenges. Riverside Market has a large open space centrally with enclosed spaces on the perimeter. It is also a multi-story building with many bars and restaurants that required passive fire protection to contain a fire into this space in case one were to happen. This meant that extensive fire separations had to be installed to slow the spread of fire.

The Outcome

Riverside Market is a stunning space that now brings hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, we’re proud to have worked on this project with Consortium to provide safety to the building and its occupants.